CALCE students, professors present at iTherm 2019

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Several CALCE professors contributed to this year's Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm) event. 

Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta served as the Mechanics & Reliability Track Chair. He and his students also presented several papers, including a featured paper presentation.

Prof. Dasgupta's students, Hao Huang and Jonathan Kordell, presented papers as well. Hao had a featured paper presentation titled Uniaxial Creep Response of Double-Coated Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA), and Jonathan presented the paper Fiber Optic Conjugate-Stress Sensor for Local Stiffness Changes Under Quasistatic LoadsA third paper, titled, Fatigue Life of Joint-Scale SAC305 Solder Specimens in Tensile and Shear Mode, co-authored by Abhishek Deshpande and Qian Jiang was presented by Dr. Dasgupta, since both students are interning this summer (at Google and NXP, respectively).

Prof. McCluskey lead a course titled Integrated Thermal Packaging and Reliability of Power Electronics, and his students Yanatan Saadon and Zhaoxi Yao presented Cooling for Electric Aircraft Motors.

Prof. Bongtae Han's paper, Concept of the 3rd Generation of Reliability for Electronic Smart Systems, was presented at the conference and he lead the course Characterization of Advanced EMCs for Fo-WLP, Heterogeneous Integration, and Automotive Electronics with Przemyslaw Gromala, Bosch GmbH.

The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm) 2019 is an international conference for scientific and engineering exploration of thermal, thermomechanical and emerging technology issues associated with electronic devices, packages and systems.

ITherm 2019 was held along with the 67th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2019 -, a premier electronics packaging conference at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas and included panel discussions, keynote lectures by prominent speakers, invited tech talks, and professional short courses.

Published June 20, 2019