News Story
Using Equivalent Circuit Model Analysis to Improve Electromagnetic Coil Insulation Health Monitoring

CALCE Director Michael Pecht, Dr. Michael Azarian, and CALCE alumnus Dr. N. Jordan Jameson ‘19 have co-authored a new article titled “Improved Electromagnetic Coil Insulation Health Monitoring Using Equivalent Circuit Model Analysis”, which is available now in the International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 119. The article is currently available for free online through Elsevier Press with no registration or sign-up requirement to access. It will remain available for free download until March 20, 2020. The research addresses insulation health monitoring needs in systems such as electric motors and alternators, solenoid valves, and relays.
Abstract: Impedance monitoring of electromagnetic coils is a means of monitoring insulation degradation, a major cause of failures of these coils. This paper develops an equivalent circuit model aimed at identifying diagnostic and prognostic features in the coil impedance frequency response that can be leveraged into a health-monitoring scheme. To identify impedance and frequency components that provide the greatest correlation with insulation degradation, a sensitivity analysis was performed and compared with experimental data. In contrast to previous research, the results reveal features in the impedance spectrum that are more sensitive to insulation health than the coil resonant frequency.
Follow this link to access the full article.
Published January 31, 2020