Sovereign Identity for Products and Components. Authentication, Privacy and Security across Systems
Radu Diaconescu
Abstract: The technologies, structure and flow of cloud-based data management, including such things as tamper-proof distributed data storage such as blockchain, validation of data without risk of IP or private data exposure using Verifiable Credentials, as well as how to avoid massive data storage costs that many assume to be part of related solutions.
Bio: Radu is an Electrical Engineer, with degrees from "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Romania and EPFL (Swiss Technical Institute of Lausanne), Switzerland. He has vast industrial experience in the field of electronics, co-founded and leads the business development efforts of Swie and manages the implementation of new technologies such as blockchain into the smart electronics factory. He also co-chairs the IPC 1782 Critical Components Traceability, IPC 2551 Digital Twin Architecture and IPC 1783 Component Level Authentication standard development committees.
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