News Story
CALCE Symposium addresses electronics reliability

CALCE's symposium for Reliability Science for Cost Effective, Safe, Reliable Electronics Products and Systems examined the use of reliability science in addressing supply chain issues, testing challenges, and new technologies. In addition, the conversation revolved around reliability science’s role in providing solutions to create cost-effective, reliable electronics and maintain system availability. More than 150 people participated, in person and online, and interacted with the 10 unique presentations from subject matter specialist and researchers looking at the future of technology and industry. The topics were diverse, topical and forward-looking in areas such as machine-learning algorithms for product health management, product testing for realistic environments, structures and materials for semiconductor power electronics, and challenges of future electronic packaging materials and components.
Attendees consisted of engineers, managers, technology forecasters, and other professionals from companies such as Emerson, GE Healthcare, Google, Keysight, NASA, NAVAIR, Rosemount, Schlumberger, and many others. The research presented was of relevance and importance to audiences beyond those with engineering backgrounds, and members of the University’s Department of Fire Protection, Maryland School of Medicine, and Maryland Robotics Center participated in the event.
For information on how CALCE can help with your reliability and prognostics and health management needs, contract Prof. Michael Pecht or Dr. Michael Osterman. We are currently planning for the 2nd Annual symposium for Reliability Science for Cost-effective, Safe, and Reliable Electronic Products and Systems--more information to follow. If you have suggestions for next year’s event, including topics, locations, and speakers; please contact Dr. Michael Osterman.
The event was part of the 125th Anniversary of the Clark School of Engineering.
Published May 13, 2019