News Story
CALCE Final Call for Participation

Integrated circuit tested using PMA by connecting to the device’s ground and power terminations. A portion of the device’s fingerprint is magnified and compares the response of a healthy and degraded device.
The CALCE consortium is initiating a research workgroup to develop applications of a new test method using side-channel analysis for rapid assessment of electronic products, including both parts and assemblies. The research will focus on the use of side-channel power modulation analysis (PMA) to test electronic parts and assemblies for defects or degradation.
This is an open invitation to join the workgroup and gain access to research results in addition to providing input on the research focus and test vehicles. The principles of side-channel PMA and its wide range of applications for electronic product assessment were presented in a CALCE webinar on November 30, 2023.
Side-channels are indirect sources of information that originate from a device and contain information about its physical state or function. While side channels have been utilized in the field of cryptography and security, their potential use in the fields of quality and reliability assessment remains unexplored. CALCE is pioneering cutting-edge research on this test method, which holds great potential for quickly identifying electronic products that deviate from acceptable quality and reliability characteristics. Testing is non-destructive and can be performed in a matter of seconds, potentially requiring connections only to power and ground terminations. CALCE is also partnering with commercial companies to aid in the development of the test method such that it can be readily implemented using affordable and commercially available equipment.
The final date to join the research workgroup is February 29, 2024, after which a decision will be made on whether there is sufficient participation to run the workgroup. The cost of membership is $20,000. The workgroup will have a duration of one year. Interested parties should contact Dr. Michael H. Azarian ( for further details on joining or with any related questions. The webinar presentation recording can be provided to those interested upon request.
Published February 5, 2024