NSF Sponsored Workshop on Enterprise Network Models for Counterfeit Electronic Parts Supply Chains

Thursday, August 5, 2021
10:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Online Event

*All times shown are in US Eastern Time Zone

This free workshop is organized by the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) in partnership with the Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA).  The workshop will be held in conjunction with the SMTA/CALCE Symposium on Counterfeit Parts and Materials.

Objective: The objective of this Workshop is to examine enterprise network modeling as a tool for understanding and disrupting counterfeit electronics supply chains.

Participants: Electronics supply chain members from OCMs to users, supply chain monitoring technology developers, academics, policymakers, legal, and law enforcement, and other stakeholders 

Workshop Outcome: A report capturing the discussion, issues identified, and recommendations for developing and implementing network models that capture the latest practices and future trends.

The workshop will include sessions on

 Introduction, Scope, and Outline
 Counterfeit Electronics Supply Chain
 Traceability, Tracking, and Transparency
 Policies - Standards, Legal, Acquisition, Law Enforcement
 Network Modeling
 Wrap Up
Counterfeit electronic products and intellectual property piracy have been a reality since the beginning of commerce. Nearly all of the treatment of this problem to date has focused on the detection of counterfeits, which is necessary, but a purely defensive step. Without a network model of the supply chain, disruptions can be haphazard and inadequately targeted.

A network model that includes: business strategies of distributors of obsolete parts, the ability of laboratories to detect counterfeit parts, impacts of buyback, and return policies is being formulated. The implications of enforcement (e.g., administrative, legal, or reputational) of anti-counterfeiting policies and the levels of penalties for supplying and accepting counterfeit parts are also modeled. The planned workshop panels are comprised of academia, government, non-profit, and private sectors.

If you are interested in participating in the workshop, let us known by filling out the form.

For more information about the workshop, contact Hirbod Akhavantaheri and a detailed agenda can be found here.

This workshop is part of a National Science Foundation project focused on Using Enterprise Network Models to Disrupt the Operations of Illicit Counterfeit Part Supply Chains for Critical Systems.


Audience: Public 

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