"The Numbers Crunch" Counterfeit Reporting Trends 2023
Date and Time: June 25 - 9:30 am
Richard Smith [ERAI]
For 35 years, Richard Smith has served as an electronic component Sales Representative, Sales Manager, and International Vice President for manufacturers’ reps, franchised, and independent distributors. As International VP, he opened sales offices and stocking facilities in China, Mexico, Malaysia, and India. He has had the opportunity to visit customers in 26 countries and 360 cities. In 2013, Richard shifted gears and joined ERAI to provide manufacturers and distributors with tools and services to mitigate the risk posed by counterfeit parts.
Presentation Abstract
The presentation will analyze historical reporting trends using data collected by ERAI over the last decade with a comparative emphasis over the last two years. Along with annual report totals, the data will review the recurrence and classification of the reported parts as well as a change in the types of components that are being counterfeited. We will additionally explore how supply chain fluctuations and product availabilities affect counterfeiting trends and discuss the factors affecting counterfeit part reporting.

Dr. Diganta Das
For more information or questions regarding the technical program (including Professional Development Courses), contact the Conference Chair, Dr. Diganta Das.

Karlie Severinson
For more information or questions regarding event logistics, exhibitions, and sponsorship, contact Karlie Severinson.