Reporting and Sharing Information on Counterfeit Cases
Roger Rogowski and Ian Blackman [Anti-Counterfeiting Forum]
Workshop Description:
Roger is a co-owner of Anti-Counterfeiting Forum, which has for over ten years provided a comprehensive online resource disseminating information on the threats and trends relating to counterfeiting in the electrotechnical industry and organized annual seminars and periodic webinars. Roger has worked in the industry for over fifty years, during which time he has fulfilled a wide range of management roles in sales, marketing, procurement, inventory, major bid, operations, and project management for companies such as Arrow Electronics, HCA Healthcare, Jermyn Distribution, Lex Electronics, Minco Technology Labs, Quantel, QinetiQ, and Zeus Electronics. He is a past Chairman of the Component Obsolescence Group and a director of the National Obsolescence Centre. For nine years, he provided the secretariat for the UK Electronics Alliance, a consortium of leading UK trade associations representing the UK electronic systems community, coordinating industry-wide initiatives and working with government departments and agencies.
Ian spent more than thirty years in the Avionics and Defense Industry working in senior roles within Procurement, Component Engineering, and Obsolescence Strategy Development. He is the former CTO of the International Institute of Obsolescence Management and is a fellow of that organization. He is also the co-owner of the UK-based but international Anticounterfeiting Forum, which has more than 1100 active members.