The Evolution of the Counterfeit Electronic Parts Threat
Date and Time: June 26 - 10:30 am

Jason Romano [SMT Corp.]
Jason Romano is Chief Investigator and Subject Matter Expert for Counterfeit Electronics at SMT Corp. Joining SMT Corp in 2004, he has led the development and implementation of SMT's authentication labs, consulted with numerous industry and government agencies, served as technical advisor to many industry contractors, and has advised and participated in the development of industry standard counterfeit detection techniques. Jason also performs R&D on the latest counterfeit EEE devices, provides technical guidance and leadership for SMT Corps’ forensic investigations into counterfeit and clone devices, and develops methodologies for differentiation of authentic devices from suspect devices.

Michael Schwarm [SMT Corp.]
Mike Schwarm is the Chief Growth Officer for Certify Holdings and SMT Corp. He has over 25 years’ experience in aerospace and defense leading global organizational transformation, business and sales operations, and growth strategies. He has a deep understanding across multiple technologies and end use applications. Prior to Certify Holdings / SMT Corp, Mike has held senior roles with BAE Systems, DRS Technologies, Cobham Advanced Electronics Solutions and API Technologies. He has served in the US Army and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Connecticut, and a Master’s in Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.
Presentation Abstract
This talk will discuss the evolution of the counterfeit electronic parts threat from simple remarked parts to advanced clones, the risk that counterfeit electronic parts present to cri1cal infrastructure, and advanced techniques and countermeasures being deployed to identify and mi1gate the proliferation of counterfeit electronic parts across cri1cal supply chains suppor1ng military, aerospace, transportation, communications, energy and medical applications.
Our topic will touch on several topics:
- Inspection Tools and Techniques for Detecting Counterfeit Parts and Assemblies
- Federal and Defense Procurement Practices and Their Impacts on Counterfeit Management
- Industry Standards on Managing Counterfeit Risks and Product Traceability
- Assessment of the Current State of Counterfeit Mitigation: Industry Maturity
- Legal and Law Enforcement Strategies

Dr. Diganta Das
For more information or questions regarding the technical program (including Professional Development Courses), contact the Conference Chair, Dr. Diganta Das.

Karlie Severinson
For more information or questions regarding event logistics, exhibitions, and sponsorship, contact Karlie Severinson.