Standards-Based Detection of Counterfeit Electronic Parts:
An Update on SAE AS6171
Date and Time: June 25 - 3:00 pm
Michael Azarian [CALCE, UMD]
Dr. Michael H. Azarian is a research scientist at the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) at the University of Maryland. He holds a Master's and Ph.D. in Materials Science from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University. Dr. Azarian’s primary research interests are detection, prediction, and analysis of failures in electronic components and assemblies. He has over 150 publications on electronics reliability and packaging, prognostics and health management, and tribology, and holds 6 U.S. patents. Prior to joining CALCE, he spent over a dozen years in the disk drive and fiber optics industries, having worked at Bookham Technology, W.L. Gore, Censtor, and Philips Research Laboratories. Dr. Azarian is chair of the SAE G-19A Test Laboratory Standards Development Committee which is responsible for the AS6171 family of standards on the detection of counterfeit electrical, electronic, and electromechanical parts. He is also co-chairman of the Miscellaneous Techniques sub-group of the G-19A committee. He chairs the working group responsible for the IEEE 1624 standard on the organizational reliability capability of suppliers of electronic products. He was previously chair for the IEEE 1332 Standard on reliability programs.
Presentation Abstract
SAE AS6171 is the leading industry standard governing laboratory testing and inspection for detection of counterfeit electrical, electronic, and electromechanical (EEE) parts.
SAE AS6171 is unique among standards in the following respects:
• Risk determines the amount and type of testing that must be performed. • The coverage of counterfeit defectsis quantified and used to identify a test set appropriate to the level of risk.
• The suitability of a test laboratory for performing the tests is based on their accreditation by a third-party accreditation body to ensure adequacy and consistency of personnel training, methods, equipment, interpretation of results, and reporting.
• The selection of parts for testing is based on randomize statistical sampling from a lot.
• It contains a wide array of test methods, providing enhanced ability to detect well-made counterfeit parts and meet future challenges.
This presentation will provide an update on the status of document revision and development efforts concerning AS6171, including: revision or reaffirmation status of the ten existing test method slash sheets; the development of seven new slash sheets; changes to certain requirements, such as those governing subcontracted test laboratories and counterfeit detection metrics; and broadening of the scope of the standard to include tampered parts and EEE assemblies.

Dr. Diganta Das
For more information or questions regarding the technical program (including Professional Development Courses), contact the Conference Chair, Dr. Diganta Das.

Karlie Severinson
or more information or questions regarding event logistics, exhibitions, and sponsorship, contact Karlie Severinson.