Join the CALCE/SMTA Counterfeit Parts and Materials Symposium 2022 for this and other informative presentations

Tom Katsioulas



Abstract: This presentation will cover the Zero Touch Chip Enrollment (ZTCE) enrollment of the chip during power-up in alignment with the enrollment of the wafer dies having a Physical Root of Trust. Trusted Supply chain provenance and traceability that includes chip Inborn Root of Trust for secure chip provisioning and data access is becoming increasingly important for the quality, reliability and security of electronic products and applications.  Inborn Root of Trust is made possible by a strong connection to the physical part and processes to create a unique identity and a cryptographic key that enable authentication and secure operation of the part in the field. This capability can help reduce costs for tracking and fixing field issues, minimize liability risks and enable secure and higher value connected IoT applications. In addition, there are significant efficiencies and cost reductions that could be enabled in the supply chain such as, in-field provisioning, over the air updates and digital twins.  ZTCE during manufacturing probe test, or packaging final test coupled with technologies that link the IC digital and physical identities (physical root of trust), provide a foundation for trusted supply chain provenance, traceability, pedigree, secure data access enabling IoT services, and the foundation for establishing a secure digital thread for the monetization of test data and or internal chip data for key application markets.

Jeremy MuldavinBio: Tom Katsioulas has many years of experience in management, strategy and engineering in EDA, semiconductors, embedded systems, enterprise software and IoT applications. Tom is the Board Chair of the GSA Trusted IoT Ecosystem Security solutions (TIES). Before that he was the head of TrustChain Business at Siemens focusing on supply chain security and traceability solutions from chip-to-device and device-to-cloud with ecosystem partners. Tom has held various executive, management, business strategy and marketing positions in large companies and startups including, Digital Equipment, Cadence, Synopsys, AmmoCore Technology and Forte Design Automation.



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