Electronics continue to evolve on the leading edge of technology development. As such, engineers that develop or use electronic systems technologies must be able to synthesize interdisciplinary knowledge from many diverse sources: electrical, mechanical, thermal, materials, manufacturing, and business. In addition, they must be able to effectively communicate (verbally and in writing), as well as be adept at working on teams.

Rapid advances in electronic products and systems require special efforts to educate the technical workforce. These special efforts include the use of systematic just-in-time transfer of state-of-the-art knowledge derived from the latest research results.

To meet these challenges, the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering is presenting webinars on issues related to the reliability of electronic products and systems. Webinars are held once a month (except March and October).  Webinars are presented to the public.  CALCE Consortium Members have access to recorded presentations and slide deck under the terms of the CALCE Consortia Agreement.

Next Webinars:

Swelling in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Causes, Characterization, and Thermal Runaway Detection - 1/23/2025

How to Find and Use Technology Information for Semiconductor Parts - 2/6/2025

Temperature-Humidity-Bias and Temperature cycling Reliability of Printed Electronics - 2/20/2025

Digital Twin-Driven Prognostics and Health Management for Digital Circuits - 3/6/2025


For questions, contact Dr. Michael Osterman.

