News Story
Meet Our Current Interns and Visiting Scholars and Students

Prof. Pecht and the current CALCE visiting interns, scholars and students.
Dr. Jingying Zhao, A visiting professor from the School of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology. Jingying’s research is on electrical systems’ durability and reliability, and he is focusing on developing reliability-testing standards for these systems.
Zang Yu, A visiting PhD student from Beijing Jiatong University. Zang joined CALCE to research prognostics and health management (PHM) and reliability of railway control systems. Zang’s goal is to reduce operation and maintenance costs by estimating the RUL and predicting equipment faults to improve operational efficiency and safety.
Dr. Xingyan Yao, A visiting professor from Chongqing Technology and Business University. Xingyan is researching fault diagnosis and prediction of mechanical systems to create a model for predicting the remaining life of dampers and to establish the relationship between damper remaining life and different working conditions.
Dr. Wenliao Du, A visiting professor from Zhengzhou University of Light Industry. Wenliao is researching mechanical signal processing and fault diagnosis. Alongside Prof. Pecht’s team, he is studying fault diagnosis and performance prognosis methods for complex mechanical systems.
Xuejiao Du, A visiting PhD student from the School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University. Xuejiao is researching life-cycle reliability engineering and PHM of computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools and key functional components to improve reliability, develop optimal maintenance plans, and extend RUL.
Yapeng Zhou, A visiting MS-to-PhD student from the School of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology. Zhou is working to propose more accurate methods for on-line state of health (SOH) estimation and RUL prognostics of lithium-ion batteries.
Dr. Sun Yongquan, A visiting professor from Harbin University of Science and Technology. Sun is researching physics-of-failure-based reliability modelling for electrical products.
Simon Fritz, Intern, Reutlingen University. Simon works on the accelerated testing of capacitors and reliability testing of thick film resistors.
Quanqing Yu, A visiting PhD student from the Beijing Institute of Technology. Yu’s research is in state of charge (SOC) estimation and health management of lithium-ion batteries. He is working to improve the battery model and study the fault diagnosis of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles.
Liu Xiangxiang, A visiting PhD student from Hebei University of Technology. Liu is researching the reliability and degradation of power semiconductors. Liu is working to design a more reliable method to estimate degradation and failure in semiconductors and more accurately predict the life of the components.
Ilknur Baylakoglu, A visiting scholar from Ankara, Turkey who specializes in design for reliability. During her visit, she conducted research on the damaging effects of photon electronics.
Denis Dorsz, Intern, Reutlingen University. Denis is working on storage of liquid aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
Chen Cen, A visiting PhD student from Harbin Institute of Technology. Cen is researching diagnostics and prognostics of power electronic systems. Cen will focus on fault feature extraction and optimization methods, and advanced data-driven and model-based prognostic methods to enhance reliability and usability.
Dr. Hyo Soo Kim, A visiting scholar from the Technology Innovation Team at Samsung Electronics, South Korea. Dr. Kim is conducting memory semiconductor research--specifically, vibration-based condition monitoring for semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Dr. Jong Keun Moon, A visiting scholar and principal engineer from Samsung Electronics. Dr. Moon is researching warpage handling in semiconductor package products during his time with CALCE.
Published July 23, 2018