News Story
Hyundai Consults with CALCE to Advance Automotive Reliability
In their efforts to become the global leader in vehicle reliability, Hyundai Motor Group is advancing its reliability strategy in collaboration with CALCE. The automotive manufacturer is interested in the reliability analysis and design of vehicles, so Hyundai sought information from the reliability experts and researchers from CALCE to further improve the reliability of their products. In February, employees from Hyundai presented their reliability goals and strategies to CALCE researchers and students who specialize in reliability and safety. Researchers from CALCE showed the Hyundai employees the facilities and equipment used to test reliability in addition to providing suggestions for reliability improvement.
Quality Strategy Team Leader Hyong Lae Kim presented Hyundai’s goals to develop and implement an ecosystem for its reliability program. A lively discussion identified some of the difficulties of implementing a rigorous reliability program. Through this discussion, it was determined that the company should undergo self-evaluation through reliability capability assessment. The need for supplier selection and evaluation process, as well as the problems with reliance on traditional reliability prediction tools, were considered.
Published March 26, 2020