CALCE Webinar - Thermal Cycle Reliability of Low Temperature Solder

Thursday, May 15, 2025
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Michael Osterman
301 405 8023


Low-temperature solders (melt point <150 oC) are being used in the portable computer industry and will continue to expand into other industries. As a critical component for electronic products, it is important to understand their reliability. Concerning reliability, thermal cycling is an important metric in establishing reliability. This paper examines three low-temperature solders and compares them with tin-silver-copper solders. The test vehicle includes SAC305 BGAs, QFNs, and SMR packages. The current test plan and test results are presented.


About the Presenter

Michael Osterman is a Research Scientist and the Operations Director for the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) at the University of Maryland. In addition, he leads the development of the calceSARA software for printed board assembly level reliability assessment. He is also the co-lead for the Solder Performance and Reliability Assurance (SPRA) project (2021-2026) being conducted under the Defense Electronics Consortium (DEC) operated by the United States Partnership for Assured Electronics (USPAE) under CIR CS-20-1302 for Lead-Free Defense Electronics. Between 2007 and 2015, Dr. Osterman organized and chaired the International Symposium on Tin Whiskers. He has a patent for the battery health monitoring and he has received a Professional Track Faculty award in research from the University of Maryland and the John A. Wagnon Technical Achievement Award from IMAPS. He has written eight book chapters and over 160 articles. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ASME and SMTA.

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