Join the CALCE/SMTA Counterfeit Parts and Materials Symposium 2022 for this and other informative presentations

Dave Huntley

GSA TIES and PDF Solutions

Abstract: If an electronic device fails, contains counterfeit components or suffers a security attack, we need to use all available data at every step to determine the security breach or root cause of failure.  To do this we must be able to expand the bill of materials at each step to find the keys to filter the data needed for the forensic examination.  Not every device will have a physical identifier, but all will have a virtual identifier derived from its location on a parent.  The SEMI E142 standard provides a unified data model to describe the virtual identifier and bill of materials of an assembly (e.g. package or PCB) and the linkage back to the virtual identifiers of the devices it contains.  This is the virtual identifier thread which can be cryptographically anchored at certain points to physical identifiers (ECID, 2DID, PUF, TPM, platform certificate, etc.) to verify the integrity, authenticity, provenance and root of trust of the assembly.  This same virtual identity thread can be used to access the precise manufacturing and test data needed to improve reliability and provide rapid response to field failures.  The presentation will start with a SEMI 6504 standard proposal for recording the virtual identifier thread on a distributed ledger such as a blockchain, followed by a tutorial on the SEMI E142 standard with examples and use cases.    

Bio: Dave Huntley was the founder and president of KINESYS Software in 1992.  PDF Solutions acquired the Assembly Line Production Supervisor (ALPS) product line from KINESYS Software in 2017.  ALPS is widely used in assembly for defect/process tracking and single device traceability.  Dave continues to be involved with strategic marketing and business development for ALPS and integrating ALPS into the PDF Solutions Extension product line.  

Dave has been involved with SEMI standards development since 1989 starting with the cluster tool standards that led to the GEM 300 standards suite.  He was co-chairman of the Sort Map task force responsible for the SEMI E142 Specification for Substrate Mapping Standard, approved in 2006, that enables single device tracking through the assembly process.   In 2018, Dave was appointed co-chair for the Single Device Traceability task force working on traceability for the supply chain and counterfeit prevention standards.  In 2019, Dave was appointed co-chair for the Advanced Backend Factory Integration task force working on applying and extending wafer fab automation standards to assembly and test.  Dave is currently the leader of the team at GSA TIES responsible for liaison with standards organizations and also the development of a white paper on the virtual identifier thread (based on SEMI E142 standard) for security and reliability in the supply chain. 

Huntley received a first-class honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bristol University, UK. 

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