Is this part Counterfeit?
Anne Poncheri [Resion]
Tuesday, June 27th - 3:15 pm
Every day, Quality Inspectors and Managers make decisions on whether the parts that they are inspecting are counterfeit or not. After making these decisions, the component engineer or program manager must review their test reports and make the same call. Both IDEA-STD-1010B and AS6171 are excellent standards that provide pass/fail criteria for counterfeit detection inspections and tests. Due to the type of defects found in counterfeit parts, these decisions are not always black and white. Some of the defect criteria in industry standards could be due to age-related defects, manufacturing defects, or quality issues. This presentation will discuss several examples of when the parts fail the industry standards but may not actually be counterfeit. Multiple examples will be presented which will include discussions of (1) age-related issues of the part (tarnished leads, extra flash on the plastic, poor marking); (2) flipped lead frames, multiple lead frame designs within the same date/lot code; (3) heated solvents failures and other defects found when performing counterfeit detection testing.
Anne Poncheri [Resion]
Anne Poncheri is the Director of Quality Assurance at Resion, LLC and her responsibilities include management of all aspects of the Quality Management System to ensure the continued certification to AS9120, AS6081, ESD S20.20, and DLA QTSL, and QSLD programs. Resion is an independent stocking distributor of electronic components located in Lakeland, Florida. Ms. Poncheri’s responsibilities include setting long-term quality policies for the company and Point of Contact for all external audits (customer and certification). Anne Poncheri is a member of the SAE Aerospace G19 and G19A Counterfeit Electronic Components Committees whose charter is to address aspects of preventing, detecting, responding to, and counteracting the threat of counterfeit electronic components. Ms. Poncheri has in-depth knowledge of AS5553, AS6081, AS6171, AS9120, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 17025.

Dr. Diganta Das
For more information or questions regarding the technical program (including Professional Development Courses), contact the Conference Chair, Dr. Diganta Das.

Karlie Severinson
For more information or questions regarding event logistics, exhibitions, and sponsorship, contact Karlie Severinson.