Join the CALCE/SMTA Counterfeit Parts and Materials Symposium 2022 for this and other informative presentations
Robert Vermillion
Abstract: Today’s EEE Parts are ESD Ultrasensitive at <±50 volts or lower for the Commercial and Space & Defense sector, including the Department of Energy (DOE) component manufacturing group.
Incoming packaging requires an inspection to ensure that EEE Parts have not suffered damage due to suspect counterfeit or non-compliant packaging. The risk of testing genuine EEE Parts that have suffered from ESD damage in shipping or from non-compliant packaging by a test lab can be misdiagnosed.
During supplier assessments, the author found that test labs for suspect counterfeit detection were in need of training for safe handling procedures of ESD Sensitive Devices (ESDS) or EEE Parts. Fundamentally, an ESDS can be damaged by ungrounded personnel with limited training, resulting in a higher risk to EEE parts, Suspect Counterfeit or not.
The focus of this presentation is the Safe Handling and Removal of EEE ESD Sensitive Procedures from IC Carriers. Not only OCMs but test laboratories also need to be brought up to speed in handling ESD Sensitive Class 0 devices.
Bio: Bob Vermillion, CPP, Fellow CEO/Founder, RMV Technology Group, NASA-Ames Research Center.