On Tuesday, March 16, 2021, the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering held its bi-annual Reliability Science symposium. This event was held virtually and had attracted more than 200 people from 19 different countries all around the world. The event included an overview of CALCE research activities with several detailed research project presentations.

Following were the list of topics presented:

  • Solder Interconnect Reliability Studies: Low Temperature Bismuth Tin Solder Alloys and Third Generation Bismuth/Antimony SAC Solder Alloys
  • Modeling Methods for Response of Grain-scale Solder Interconnects to Multiaxial Loading, to Support Virtual Testing and Digital Twin
  • The Durability of IMC and Copper Traces under Vibration & TC loads
  • Viscoplastic Mechanical Properties of Sintered Silver using Indentation Methods
  • Multi-Degree of Freedom Vibration Durability in Electronic Assemblies
  • Oxidation growth in EMC Under High Temperature Aging: Why ItIs So Important for Long-Term Board Level Reliability Assessment?
  • A Novel Metamodeling Scheme Based on Cut-HDMR for Semiconductor Packages with a Large Number of Variables: a Comparison Study with CCD
  • Material Defects and Their Impact on GaN High Voltage Switches
  • Risk-Informed Storage Management for Electronic Components and Assemblies
  • Additive Manufacturing at CALCE
  • Additive Manufacturing Repair of RF Electronics
  • Reliability of Fabrics Bonded with HAFs for Electronic Packing
  • Impact of Ripple Current on Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors
  • Evaluation and Selection of Lubricants for Sliding Electrical Contacts
  • Prognostics Monitoring for Insulation Resistance Loss
  • Artificial Intelligence-Based Reliability Analysis
  • Using Machine Learning to Analyze Electrochemical Impedance Spectra of Lithium-ion Batteries
  • Lithium-ion Battery Degradation analysis using Long-short Term Neural Networks
  • Concerns with Batteries coming from Unreliable Sources
  • Counterfeit Detection using Side-channel and Machine-Vision 

Presentation slides from the event are only available for CALCE Members. 

